Saturday, February 3, 2018

Book Recommendation: Next Generation Leader

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One of my recent reads is a book titled, Next Generation Leader: Five Essentials For Those Who Will Shape The Future. The book was written by Andy Stanley, and released in 2003. Reading this book has provided me with valuable knowledge of what it means to be a leader of virtue. In the book, Stanley breaks down five core principles that shape the effectiveness of a leader. These principles are competence, courage, clarity, coaching, and character. Out of the five, I was most inspired by the section on courage. Stanley does a wonderful job of explaining courage in a way that lights a fire in readers. "Courage is the willingness to move in a direction in spite of the emotions and thoughts that bid you to do otherwise." This quote is powerful, because we often believe that courageous people do not experience fear. However, the reality is to the contrary, courageous people are able to push through the fear they experience. I also enjoyed reading the section on character. Stanley explains the fine line between simply being a leader, and being a leader worth following. "Your gifts and determination may dictate your potential, but it is your character that will determine your legacy." This section of the book taught me the importance of living a life of purpose, and using my gifts to make a positive impact. One of the things that makes this book so profound, is that it incorporates the author's relevant experiences. Throughout the book, Stanley explains the many situations he's faced leading as senior pastor of North Point Ministries. The book is well-organized, and gets its message across clearly. I truly believe you can be positively impacted by giving this one a read. Feel free to order a copy using the link below.

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