Friday, July 20, 2018

Book Recommendation: My Bondage and My Freedom

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One of my most recent reads is the second autobiography written by Frederick Douglass titled, My Bondage and My Freedom. The book is a thrilling first-person account about the life of Douglass through his years as a slave and his journey to becoming a freeman. I learned a great deal about Douglass through reading this book and was inspired by his turbulent quest to liberty. He truly transformed his life by educating himself and sought to dedicate his life toward fighting against the slave system. In My Bondage and My Freedom, Douglass provides readers with a window into his thoughts as he faced abuse from slave masters, criticism against his intellect, and inner-conflict as he sought to emancipate himself from the bondage that had held him captive since birth. Through reading this account, I believe we can gain great insight into this period of our nation's history as well as a deeper appreciation for the many individuals that have heroically sought to provide all Americans with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The life of Frederick Douglass is an extremely intriguing story, and I could definitely see a great film being adapted from this autobiography. I strongly recommend checking out this compelling book or at least doing some research on the life of Frederick Douglass. Thanks for reading!

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