Friday, October 9, 2020

Book Reflection: Let Love Have the Last Word

How do you define love? It's one of those words that you can feel, but not be able to articulate. In his New York Times bestselling memoir, Let Love Have the Last Word, Common analyzes love from his perspective. He recognizes love as a powerful force that shapes the way we live. The book touches on different aspects of love including God's love, self-love, love of partners, and love of family. He defines love as a practice, something that requires time, effort, and attention. Common acknowledges that love is hard, and discusses his own shortcomings in giving love. It can be difficult to focus on love when there is so much negativity in the world. However, practicing love can serve as an antidote that can help us overcome these challenges. In some of the most impoverished places, love shines and helps people live enriched lives. As Common mentions, love requires us to be vulnerable and honest. It also asks us to listen and be patient with those we love. As humans, we crave love. It influences many of our actions and emotions, but yet we don't fully understand it. This book is powerful because it encourages us to do our own self-assessment of love in our lives. While reading, I often thought about how love has operated in my life. I realized that the people I love are those that have made the greatest impression on my life. They have invested love into me, and I can only hope that I have done the same for them. Love is strengthened when it is reciprocated. Though it may not solve all of our problems, leading with love is the way to ensure that we are on track for progress and healing. Let Love Have the Last Word is also a good read for artists, as it provides insight into Common's creative process. He describes creativity as a way to experience love through divine expression. Art requires us to be vulnerable and be comfortable exposing ourselves to the world. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It provides a great conversation about love in its many forms. It's not too often that you get to go inside of the mind of one of your favorite artists. If you want to check out Let Love Have the Last Word, feel free to order or preview using the link below. Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Book Reflection: Shoe Dog


My latest read is Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, the creator of Nike. Released in 2016, this memoir chronicles the early days of the global multibillion dollar footwear and apparel brand. Knight takes readers back to 1962, when he was a recent college graduate seeking his purpose in the world. He dreamed of an extraordinary life where he could live out his passion and have a career that didn't feel like work. He embarked on a journey around the world, and began pursuing what he called his "crazy idea". When he returned from that trip, he began distributing shoes that he imported from Japan. He called his company Blue Ribbon, and partnered with his college track coach, Bill Bowerman. More than a business, Knight was looking to develop a lifestyle brand. His company would go on to transform the shoe industry and become a household name. In the book, Knight tells the stories that shaped the brand. Far from a smooth journey, the book is a testament to resilience and risk-taking. A "Shoe Dog" is someone who makes shoes, but finds a deeper meaning in their work. They see themselves as a part of each step a person takes in their shoes on the journey of life. Considering what Nike is today, it's hard to fathom the challenges that the company faced in its infancy. From lawsuits to federal investigations, the company almost didn't live to see its full potential. Even Knight acknowledges the pivotal role that luck played in Nike's success. Shoe Dog was a very uplifting read for me. Few people possess the audacity to chase their wildest dreams. Through Knight's memoir, we see how a shy kid from Oregon went on to develop a multinational corporation. I definitely recommend adding Shoe Dog to your reading list. You will be entertained, informed, and inspired. Feel free to order using the link below. Thanks for reading!