Monday, January 8, 2018

The Hollywood Commandments Review!

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DeVon Franklin, Hollywood producer, best-selling author, preacher, and motivational speaker released his third book in the fall of 2017 titled, The Hollywood Commandments. The book teaches you how to apply spiritual principles in the pursuit of secular success. Often times we learn spiritual lessons in church, but we don't learn how to use them outside of church. In this book, Franklin shows us how to translate those lessons into our careers and relationships using ten powerful lessons that he learned as a man of faith in Hollywood. As a person of character, you can be discouraged to follow certain paths at the risk of losing your character. However, by staying true to yourself you will be given an edge that allows you to thrive in all areas. This was one of the most important lessons that I learned from The Hollywood Commandments. Reading this book, it was amazing to see just how Franklin's values played a role throughout his successful career in Hollywood. Regardless of your beliefs, this book can serve as an excellent guide to achieving success. Lessons include following your passion, negotiating what you're worth, the importance of connections, and how to not get caught up in past failure or success. This is perhaps the most inspiring book that I have read, and it has taught me principles that I will be sure to hold on to. I encourage you to give this book a read, and I hope that it will have a positive effect on your life. Feel free to use the link below to order your copy. Thanks for reading!

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