Monday, January 29, 2018

Viewing Yourself as a Corporation: Structuring Your Personal Development

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My mother is a woman of many creative thoughts and expressions. She gives great advice, and she's constantly offering me unique ideas to gain perspective on things. Recently, she introduced me to the idea of viewing yourself as a corporation. This perspective encourages you to analyze the many roles that you play in your personal development. Essentially, you're aligning these roles with the different parts of a business. This allows you to manage different areas of your life, and see which areas you can improve upon to optimize your potential. If you're like me, you're always looking for ways to improve as an individual. I've found this corporation perspective to be valuable, and I hope that you'll be able to learn from this organizational approach.

Sales- The sales team is the division responsible for selling a product or service. These are the people interacting with customers, and most directly related to generating revenue. Efficient sales teams set high, but realistic goals which they chase ambitiously. The business is only as good as its sales team, because it produces the results that drive the business forward. To manage your personal sales team, ensure that you're setting goals, and pursuing them aggressively. Assess whether you're doing the best you can to move your business in a positive direction.

Data Analysis/Accounting- Data analysts gather and investigate data, which they interpret to suggest the best direction for the company to go. Trends and statistics play a huge role in the decision-making process for businesses. The information yielded by data analysts can be vital in determining the formula for success. These analysts allow companies to measure their efficiency, and see what areas they can improve upon. These are people who "crunch the numbers." In similar fashion, we see numbers which represent very important aspects of our lives. Think about how you use numbers to measure your weight, income, age, etc. Just as businesses have a department to deal with managing numbers, you also have the capacity to manage numbers concerning your life. Such practices include time-management, budgeting, and weight management. Numbers are very impactful to our lives, and it is important that we organize them to better ourselves.

Marketing- The marketing department deals with the company's presentation. They are responsible for promotion, and introducing consumers to the company. Those in marketing are concerned with the company's appearance and managing its reputation. A successful marketing department requires excellent communication and plenty of research. To manage your marketing department, analyze how you are being presented. How are you, as a person, being marketed to the world? This includes your physical appearance, your resume, your social media, and your relationships. Do the necessary research to ensure that your are being marketed in a positive light. In our lives, reputations mean a great deal. A negative reputation can hinder your development, just as a positive reputation can propel your development.

Investor- Investors provide the capital to get the business running. They invest only into things of which they believe will provide a return on investment. Most businesses must seek investors through extreme effort and persuasion. Luckily for you, the investor of whom you seek is in the mirror. You can invest in your personal business in a variety of ways. This includes exercise, reading, meditation, healthy eating, and more. The basis of investment in this sense, is to place positive input in your life to receive positive output. Of course we are not perfect, and we make the occasional negative investment. However, it is important to manage your investment portfolio, to ensure that your overall investments have provided your company with the resources it needs to succeed.

CEO/Board of Directors/Owner- Each corporation has its executive personnel. The head of the company is tasked with the great responsibility of making crucial choices, which affect the company as a whole. Such decisions are made with careful consideration of possible outcomes, and require both wisdom and intuition. These people are well-compensated, and rightfully so. It takes character to be the face of a company, and to be responsible for its successes and failures. Just as the head of a company is tasked with decision-making and being held accountable for the company's condition, so are you responsible for making the major decisions that shape your life. Fortunately, you are the only person qualified for this position, and as long as you have your freedom, nothing can be done to remove your title. As the head of your corporation, ensure that you are making wise decisions and managing the various parts of your company effectively.

My aim in writing this is to inspire you to take a holistic approach towards improving as an individual. Our well-being consists of many dimensions, and it helps to take a step back to view the bigger picture. Through applying this principle, you will structure your life in a way that allows you to make specific modifications as necessary. If you see a department of your life that is lacking in efficiency, do a thorough investigation to make proper adjustments. Sure your business will experience wins and losses, but this is common of all corporations. Unlike most businesses, continual losses won't result in closure. As long as you are breathing, your business continues to operate with the potential to experience growth and prosperity.

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